Voices of the Muse

Sunday January 27, 2013 – Sunday January 27, 2013 | Register Description: Laura Heimes, soprano, and José Lemos, countertenor, Michael Beattie, harpsichord; Scott Metcalfe and Boel Gidholm, violins; Emily Walhout, cello and lirone; Deborah Fox, theorbo; Christa...

Mystery Sonatas

Sunday February 24, 2013 – Sunday February 24, 2013 | Register Description:  Elizabeth Wallfisch, violin; Michael Beattie, harpsichord/organ; Deborah Fox, theorbo; Heather Miller Lardin, violone Franz Ignaz Biber’s exquisite Rosary, or Mystery, Sonatas....
Pegasus Early Music group

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