Please Read Our Covid-19 Safety Policy
Pegasus is committed to providing a safe environment for both our performers and in-person audience members throughout the season. For each concert we will be carefully following guidelines recommended or mandated by our venue, the Monroe County Health Department, and the CDC.
At this time, masks are strongly encouraged, but not required. If you are feeling ill, please stay home. We will gladly exchange your tickets. Please check our website before the concert for any recent updates to our policy.
We are grateful for your support and cooperation as we return to live music! Please feel free to reach out to us at for more information.
2024-2025 Concert Series
All series concerts are Sundays at 4:00pm, with a pre-concert talk at 3:15pm.
Remaining concerts will take place at Downtown United Presbyterian Church, 121 N. Fitzhugh Street, Rochester, EXCEPT Monteverdi Vespers of 1610, which will be at Asbury First Methodist Church, 1050 East Avenue, Rochester.
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