Thorn of the Honey Locust
October 16, 2020
@ 7:30 pm ET
October 18, 2020
@ 4 pm ET
A conversation and reading with Geoffrey Burgess
Geoffrey Burgess, oboist, musicologist—and now novelist, discusses and reads from his next book, The Thorn of the Honey Locust. Based on the life of Johann Caspar Gleditsch, a prominent Leipzig musician for whom Bach wrote his most difficult and beautiful passages for oboe, Burgess’s historical novel explores Gleditsch’s career with humor, compassion, and a thorough knowledge of life in 18th-century Germany. We’ll hear about the beginnings of the coffee craze, what it was like to meet the great Bach, and even learn about horticulture to understand the title of the book. Musical examples and images will complement this engaging presentation.
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